15 Nov 2022

5 Benefits of Communal Gardens and Our Favourite Plants to Try

Studies have found that indoor plants and plant interaction can be highly beneficial for reducing stress. Plants can have a powerful effect on the mind and body, and a communal garden might be a fitting addition to your collaborative outdoor space.

Do you want to learn more about the benefits of communal gardens and the best plants for a communal garden? Keep reading.


What Are The Benefits Of Communal Gardens?

If you’re wondering whether a communal garden is worth the trouble, check out what you stand to gain from adding a communal garden to a community.


More Social Activity

When you create a communal garden, you build an outdoor space for community members to hang out, relax and walk with their pets. By encouraging community members to spend more time outdoors, you can get to know more people in the strata lot. A communal garden is a social space, perfect for bringing people together and connecting neighbours for a stronger sense of community.

You can even make the creation of the communal gardens a group effort, inviting residents to collaborate in planting trees and flowers together. Conversations over a trowel and a hot cup of coffee might be the right thing to strengthen ties with your neighbours.


More Physical Activity

If you have a more pleasant outdoor space to enjoy, this opens the door for community members to partake in more physical activity. The garden can be a safe place for outdoor yoga, dog walking, jogging, and more! Bringing more physical activity to the neighbourhood helps to encourage a healthy community and can help to reduce stress.


Perfect Place To De-Stress

Investing in a communal garden can create a haven for your community to de-stress and spend time in nature. Green spaces can be hard to come by if you live in a densely populated area. A study from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health indicates that time in nature can reduce stress and improve cognitive function, leading to improved overall health. All building managers and community members should consider creating more green spaces to improve mental health.


Improves Value And Visual Appeal

Adding a garden to communal areas improves the community's visual appeal and can enhance the value of all properties that share the space. Empty, unused, and cluttered spaces can make the community appear unkempt - but a well-kept garden boosts the visual appeal and impression of the area.


Counteracts The Community’s Carbon Footprint

Planting trees and creating green spaces is a great way to counteract your carbon footprint and put a dent in the pollution added to the atmosphere by the properties in the area. Many commercial property designers are incorporating greenery into building walls and roofing to make their designs more environmentally conscious. You can make a difference in a small way by creating a community garden.


Which Plants Are Best For A Community Garden?

Here are some of the best plants for a community garden to give you some inspiration:

  • Strawberries - strawberry plants are relatively low-maintenance and produce delicious fruit that you and your neighbours can enjoy.

  • Root vegetables - root vegetables grow underground and are easy to care for - plus, they can be the perfect addition to any recipe!

  • Herbs - you may find yourself spending on herbs every week. Add some herbs to your garden to reduce shopping expenses and produce a wonderful scent.

  • Flowers - flowers are essential for making a garden appear cared for and well-kept. Plus, they brighten up the foliage and provide something beautiful to observe as you enjoy the gardens.

  • Trees - trees are a great way to make your communal garden a private space and allow users of the area to feel immersed in nature.


How Can You Maintain Your Communal Gardens?

Finding the time to manage your communal garden can be tricky - life is pretty busy. You can try splitting grounds tasks between community members, or you could invest in groundskeeping services to maintain your precious community asset.



Communal gardens make a community more sociable, encourage healthy habits, and provide more beautiful scenery in the area. Consider creating your communal garden to bring your community together and combat your households' environmental impacts. If you need help managing your communal garden, contact Inside Out Facility Services and enquire about groundskeeping services.